Gemstone Guide

  • Amazonite

    Amazonite is known for boosting self esteem and enhancing your mental clarity and intuition.

    Also known as the "Stone of Truth and Hope"

    Amazonite is a powerful healing stone which can also help to ease stress, soothe anxiety and heal any past traumas, promoting feelings of inner peace.

    It is believed to enhance your overall emotional and spiritual well-being. It’s blue-green colour means that it’s a great stone for balancing and aligning the throat and heart chakras.

    Luckiest for Aries, Cancer, Leo & Scorpio.

  • Amethyst

    Amethyst is considered to be one of the most powerful and protective crystals.

    This gemstone absorbs negative energies and emits positive energies.

    Amethyst promotes inner peace deep healing. It enhances your intuition and calms the mind and spirit.

    Also known as the "Peace Stone"

    It’s purple colour means that it’s great for balancing and strengthening the third eye chakra - aiding meditation.

    Luckiest for Aquarius, Pisces, Libra & Sagittarius.

  • Aventurine

    A stone of love and luck.

    Aventurine derives its name from the Italian phrase ‘per avventura’ - meaning “chance”.

    It is thought to be one of the luckiest crystals - great for manifesting prosperity, wealth and abundance.

    Also known as the "Money Maker Crystal"

    This stone is also said to encourage emotional healing and self love, helping to bring balance and harmony to the heart.

    It's green colour means it’s great for balancing and aligning the heart chakra.

    Luckiest for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo & Libra.

  • Blue Lace Agate

    Blue Lace Agate encourages inner peace, calm, stability and emotional healing.

    This soothing and nurturing stone is also believed to provide protection from harm.

    Blue Lace Agate is a highly spiritual stone that can provide both enlightenment and grounding.

    Also known as the "Stone of the Diplomat"

    The blue-purple colour of this stone aligns the throat chakra and third eye chakra - enhancing communication and intuition.

    Luckiest for Pisces, Gemini, Cancer & Sagittarius.

  • Carnelian

    Carnelian is a stone of empowerment.

    It is believed to boost your energy and self-confidence, stimulate your creativity and enhance your motivation.

    Also known as the “Sunset Stone” or "Artist Stone”

    Carnelian is said to increase your vitality and zest for life! Carnelian is a great crystal to help you reach your career and personal goals.

    The orange-red colour of this stone means it can be used to help balance and align the sacral chakra.

    Luckiest for Aries, Taurus, Leo & Virgo.

  • Citrine

    Citrine is an energising crystal that is known for boosting your overall energy, vitality and confidence.

    It boosts self esteem, activates creativity, improves motivation and encourages self-expression.

    Also known as the “Happiness Crystal”

    This crystal has also been said to enhance your luck, wealth and abundance - great for manifesting!

    The yellow colour of this crystal means that its great for balancing and aligning the solar plexus chakra.

    Luckiest for Aries, Leo, Gemini & Scorpio.

  • Clear Quartz

    Clear Quartz encourages deep soul cleansing, spiritual awakening and spiritual growth.

    Also known as the "Master Healer Crystal"

    This crystal is known to repel bad vibes and protect against negativity.

    It helps to balance and align all chakras, especially the crown chakra - helping us to connect to the universe and our higher selves.

    It’s also a great crystal to use for manifesting!


    Use Clear Quartz with other crystals to amplify their power (e.g if you want to manifest love - use with Rose Quartz, if you want to manifest happiness - use with Citrine).

    Lucky for all zodiac signs.

  • Hematite

    Hematite is a gemstone of grounding and protection.

    It provides us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

    Hematite stimulates our concentration and focus, helping to clear our mind and enhance our memory.

    Also known as the "Trip Advisor Stone"

    Hematite is said to keep you safe and grounded on your travels.

    Even although Hematite is silvery-grey in colour, it's actually connected to the root chakra (because it's actually red inside the stone) - so it strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure.

    Luckiest for Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio & Capricorn.

  • Jade

    Jade is a gemstone of luck, good fortune and abundance.

    Jade also represents longevity, wisdom and purity.

    Also known as the "Stone of Heaven"

    This stone also helps to soothe the mind. It encourages inner peace and harmony, enhancing your overall well being.

    Jade can be found in a variety of colours, but we always stick with the traditional green - which means it's a great crystal to use for balancing, aligning and opening up your heart chakra.

    Luckiest for Gemini, Taurus, Virgo & Libra.

  • Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli is a stone of wisdom - one of the oldest spiritual stones that has been used in healing and worn by royalty for generations.

    Also known as the "Stone of Universal Truth"

    It is also a stone of enlightenment - it encourages self-expression and increases self-awareness, supporting you to become your most authentic self.

    It's deep blue colour means that it is great for aligning the throat chakra and awakening the third eye chakra - enhancing communication skills and boosting intuition.

    Luckiest for Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius & Capricorn.

  • Onyx

    Onyx is a powerful stone of protection which helps to absorb all the negative energies around us.

    Onyx also enhances willpower and aids decision making.

    Also known as the "Master of Good Fortune Stone"

    A stone of luck and abundance. It's believed to bring good fortune.

    Onyx is also a grounding stone that can be used to balance and align your root chakra.

    Luckiest for Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius & Capricorn.

  • Pearls

    Pearls represent love, innocence, faith, and femininity.

    They are also linked to good health and prosperity.

    Also known as the "Queen of the Gems"

    Pearls are said to enhance intuition and mental clarity, and encourage focus and concentration.

    In physical healing, Pearls have been used to soft areas of the body such as the skin and eyes. It is also believed that Pearls can even help to balance hormones, increase fertility and aid with childbirth.

    Luckiest for Pisces, Cancer, Gemini & Scorpio.

  • Rhodonite

    Rhodonite is a stone of love and balance.

    It's name is derived from the Greek word "Rhodon" meaning rose.

    Also known as the "Stone of Love"

    Rhodonite is a stone of deep emotional healing. It helps us to break down the walls built up around our hearts and to heal old wounds.

    It is a stone of self-love, unconditional love, compassion and mutual understanding.

    Rhodonite is the perfect stone to heal, balance, stimulate and activate your heart and root chakras.

    Luckiest for Aries, Taurus, Leo & Sagittarius.

  • Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz represents pure love.

    It restores trust and harmony in all relationships, encouraging unconditional and universal love.

    Also known as the "Stone of Unconditional Love"

    Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

    This stone of compassion also provides comfort in times of grief.

    This stone can help to balance, align and open up your heart chakra.

    Luckiest for Pisces, Taurus, Libra & Capricorn.

  • Selenite

    Selenite is a powerful healing crystal that promotes peace, calm, mental clarity and well-being.

    Also known as the "Stone of Light"

    Selenite’s meaning is married to the Ancient Greek goddess of the moon – Selene, who had the power to light up the night and an ever-changing personality that seemed to ebb and flow.

    It is known for bringing protection, harmony and soul healing to your body, mind and home.

    This stone possesses a high vibrational energy and so it can be used to cleanse and charge your own energy, space and your other crystals too!

    Selenite can also help to heal and balance your crown and third eye chakras.

    Luckiest for Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer.

  • Tigers Eye

    Tigers Eye is a stone of grounding, protection and self-empowerment.

    Also known as the "Stone of Courage"

    It is believed to increase your personal power, courage and inner strength.

    Tiger’s Eye helps to clear negative energies and enhances feelings of self confidence and self worth.

    It can help provide spiritual stability, allowing your to tap into deeper levels of your consciousness.

    Tigers Eye can be used to help balance and align both the root chakra and sacral chakra.

    Luckiest for Aries, Gemini, Leo & Virgo.

  • Turquoise

    Turquoise is a stone of luck, peace and protection.

    Also known as the "Stone of Life"

    Turquoise is known to dispel negative energies and promote positive energies and healing - stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm.

    It boosts creativity, success and good fortune.

    It's blue colour means it's great for balancing your throat chakra - improving communication skills. Turquoise is actually great for balancing and aligning all of the chakras, providing us with spiritual grounding.

    Luckiest for Pisces, Leo, Scorpio & Sagittarius.

  • Moonstone

    Coming soon...

  • Tourmaline

    Coming soon...

Charm Guide

  • Anchor

    The anchor symbolises safety, security, confidence, hope, stability, good luck and consistent strength.

    It’s a reminder of one’s roots regardless of how far you move from your origins, and it’s a reminder to be proud of who you are.

  • Angel Wing

    Angel wings are a symbol of purity, courage, love, harmony and protection from our guardian angels and our lost loved ones.

    They can also be a symbol of success, aspiration and freedom.

  • Bumble Bee

    The bumble bee symbolises community, teamwork, brightness and embracing your own personal power.

    It’s also an emblem of abundance, persistence, and fruitfulness.

  • Crown Chakra

    The crown chakra is all about spiritual connection, awakening and transformation.

    Our Crown Chakra inspires us to connect to the universe and our higher selves, taking us on a journey of spiritual awakening.

  • Elephant

    Elephants are considered to be a symbol of good luck, wisdom, fertility and protection.

    The elephant is also associated with the root chakra, charging through blockages and offering energies of protection, love, loyalty and quiet courage.

  • Evil Eye

    The Evil Eye is a curse from Greek culture that has been passed through many generations. It is believed that when someone is jealous of you, they can curse you with an 'evil glare' and send bad luck your way.

    So, the evil eye has become symbolic of protection from this curse.

  • Feather

    Feathers represent strength and growth, as well as hope and freedom.

    It is also a symbol of acknowledgment, that someone or something in the spirit world is looking out for you, keeping you safe and empowering you to whatever path you set upon.

  • Hamsa Hand

    The hamsa hand is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God.

    In all faiths it is a protective sign. It has been said to bring its owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune.

  • Moon

    The moon represents powerful feminine energy. It signifies wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation and a spiritual connection.

    The moon also represents our deepest personal needs.

  • Palmistry Hand

    The Palmistry hand is symbolic of your future, your fate and your destiny. Our cute little charm includes an evil eye in the centre - to protect you from any harm on your destined path.

  • Shell

    Shells are associated with fertility and the goddess of love, Venus. But there’s also a more meditative side to the scallop, as its grooves can also be seen as representing many paths leading to one point such as searching for your purpose.

  • Star

    Stars are a large part of our history and current culture. They are a sacred and spiritual symbol for many religions all over the world.

    Stars are symbolic of divine guidance and protection, as well as positivity and enlightenment.

  • Starfish

    Did you know that starfish represent infinite divine love?

    The starfish spirit animal also represents your intuition, and how your instincts are usually right.

  • Swallow (Bird)

    Swallows and birds represent renewal, new beginnings, good news and abundance.

    The swallow bird also represents loyalty, love, romance and devotion as they are known to be monogamous during mating season.

  • Throat Chakra

    The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth.

  • Turtle

    Turtles represent longevity, perseverance, patience, steadfastness, retreat, healing and tranquility.

    Turtles teach and remind us to keep going at our own pace with determination. As we all know - “Slow and stead wins the race”.

  • Venus (Female Symbol)

    The Venus symbol represents the female sex. Venus was a Roman goddess who symbolised fertility, love, beauty, desire and prosperity.

    In recent times it has been used more commonly to champion feminism and female empowerment.

  • Wishbone

    Why are Wishbones considered to be lucky?

    Apparently...ancient Romans believed that chicken bones held the power of good fortune. When two people pulled apart a wishbone, the person left with the larger piece got the good luck, or a wish granted!